Ancient SoulMammoth with inlaid silver 3 blade Razor

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Ancient Soul

Mammoth with inlaid silver 3 blade Razor

This solid piece of ancient ivory has been inlaid with hammered chunks of silver. The slight mocha colour staining throughout this piece is the signature mark of Mammoth tusk. Slender, sleek and smooth, this razor will enhance your ritual shave experience.
Please Note

Redefining Ritual

For the quick shave, this  3 blade Razor (compatible with Gillette Mach 3) will not only give you the effortless shave you are looking for, but the bonus of added beauty and functionality will complete your wet shaving experience.  Rattlestick has designed and locally produced the stainless steel components for the Mach 3

Our Ancient Soul series of brushes and razors pair perfectly with our raw shaving soaps and beard balms.

for the

Ancient Soul

40,000 years ago, great sheets of ice covered the plains and mountains of the American continent, where frigid temperatures brought everlasting winter. In these harsh conditions, a giant roamed, at once majestic and terrible. The wooly mammoth captured our imaginations, and is memorialized in the cave paintings of a more primal time. This ancient fossilized ivory, once buried under the arctic permafrost, is smooth and silk-like, with nicks and crevices traveling along the curve of each tusk. Mammoth tusk connects us with the furthest reaches of our human family.


Mammoth tusk, silver inlay, mach3 razor head, stainless steel components

As seen in

British GQ Made in Alberta Awards 2019 Made in Alberta Awards 2019